For simply the passion that I have for all category of fighters, I do a lot of writing, blogging, posting, commenting, liking, sharing, and all other ways I can give some extra shine to fighters and organizations.

I am someone who can help guide you in finding the right gym to train at, promotion to fight for, or restaurant to eat at in the New England area.

I’ll get to know you by taking a good look at not only your fighting achievements but by learning who you are when you take the gloves off. To help fans & sponsors further understand the struggle outside on the journey to the fight.

I am making the most of all of my opportunities as I travel my ambitious journey to help the fighters who step in the ring, on the mat or within a cage get the exposure and notoriety they deserve.

Thank you to all who have joined the The Room Podcast on FaceBook and my Domenico101mma YouTube channel and please continue to contribute with your shares so we can get as much buzz of the New England fight community going as well as show love to our national, and international fight superstars.

Please feel free to friend me on Facebook so we can chat! Peace my friends and stay tuned for more to come soon from and “Ambassador to Fighters”

Stephen M Domenico
